An interdisciplinary feasibility study on hybrid pumped-hydro power storage of excess energy in open-pit coal mines

This project has received funding from the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS)

under GRANT AGREEMENT No. 101034022

Start time: 1st September 2021

Duration: 3 years

Scheduled decommissioning of lignite mining in Europe requires innovative and economic strategies to support coal regions in transition. ATLANTIS will assess the feasibility of transforming open-pit coal mines into hybrid energy storage projects. Hereby, repurposing of open-pit mines for hybrid pumped-hydro power storage (HPHS) of excess energy from the electric grid and renewable sources will contribute to the EU Green Deal, while increasing the economic value, stabilising the regional job market and contributing to EU energy supply security. The main objective of ATLANTIS is the elaboration of a technical and economic feasibility study on HPHS in open-pit coal mines.


The ATLANTIS project aims to assess the technical and economic feasibility of transforming open-pit coal mines into hybrid energy storage projects. more...


ATLANTIS follows a site-specific holistic approach to elaborate the technical and economic feasibility of repurposing open-pit coal mines into hybrid pumped hydro storage systems. more ...


One major strength of the ATLANTIS project consortium, led by GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences, is the multi-disciplinary scientific and industrial expertise represented by two partners from energy industry, three research institutes and one university from three different EU member states. more ...

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